Simplexity equal opportunity policy
Our objective is to maintain operational standards so that all employees and associates are treated equally, irrespective of age, disability, gender; race; religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
Employees and associates are instructed to ensure the following:
- There shall be no discrimination in respect of age, disability, gender; race; religion or belief, or sexual orientation;
- Recruitment, promotion, training, development and redundancy shall be determined on capability and merit only;
- All employees and associates have personal responsibility for the practical application of this Policy, which applies to the treatment of customers, suppliers and the general public as well as to fellow employees and associates;
- All employees and associates have a personal accountability to keep up to date with changes in legislation and best practice as a part of their continuing professional development;
- Any employee, manager, associate and director that is involved in recruitment, promotion or training has specific responsibility for the practical application of this Equal Opportunity Policy;
- Any employee, associate or director who has been determined to have committed an act of unlawful discrimination shall be subject to disciplinary action;
- If there is any doubt about the terms of this Policy or the application thereof an employee or associate should consult a Director of Simplexity.
Updated 3 September 2015