Simplexity environmental policy
Simplexity values the environment in which we live and operate, and considers care for the environment to be sound business practice and part of our values and principles. Our objective is to maintain operational standards that pay due care and attention to minimising environmental impact.
Simplexity’s environmental policy is that the company shall:
- Comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and approved codes of practice;
- Strive to minimise our contribution to pollution of land, air, and water;
- Seek to keep wastage to a minimum and maximise the efficient use of materials and resources;
- Manage and dispose of all waste in a responsible manner;
- Provide training for employees and associates so that we all work in accordance with this policy and within an environmentally aware culture;
- Regularly communicate our environmental performance to our employees and other significant stakeholders;
- Develop our management processes to ensure that environmental factors are considered during planning and implementation;
- Monitor and continuously improve our environmental performance.If there is any doubt about the terms of this Policy or the application thereof and employee or associate should consult the Directors of Simplexity.
Simplexity reminds all employees and associates that they have a personal responsibility to comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and approved codes of practice, and to strive to uphold this environmental policy.
Updated 3 September 2015