Joe Zammit-Lucia is a Radix Co-Founder and Trustee. He is an entrepreneur and commentator on business and political issues writing in outlets in the UK, US, Germany and the Netherlands. He is a Par...
Reflections on the recent abortive take-over of Unilever by Ron Soonieus, Managing Partner at Camunico, Executive-in-Residence at the INSEAD Social Innovation Centre and Simplexity Associate
Kraft Heinz and Unilever are fundamentally different businesses operating in the same space. The former believes that value creation depends on debt-fuelled take-over, asset stripping and aggressive cost reduction. Long-term value is created by repeating this model over and over… Continue Reading →
Rising to the challenge of global uncertainty What do leaders do when the unthinkable becomes reality? The recent past has caught many organisations by surprise; the Brexit referendum result in the UK, the election of Donald Trump in the US,… Continue Reading →
Ever since last June’s vote for the UK to leave the EU and the newly minted US President Trump, we are in a place of great uncertainty. It is clear that no one knows what will happen next and that… Continue Reading →
Against a backdrop of significant constitutional changes in the status of the Caribbean Netherlands we led a feasibility study for the creation of an independent development fund to support the integrated and sustainable development of the islands’ economies, focused on:… Continue Reading →
Imagine Aruba (Nos Aruba 2025) was a process where 60,000 people (out of a population of just over 100,00) participated in developing a vision of a preferred future and making it happen. Within the framework of an Appreciative Inquiry into… Continue Reading →
Simplexity Associate Patricia Lustig led a strategy development programme for an INGO in Bangladesh to develop its Country Strategy for the next 5 years. We ensured that the process was participative, including people from across the organisation and their partner NGOs. In… Continue Reading →
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