
making the complex simple



10 Year Futures (vs. What’s Happening Now)

This presentation is by Benedict Evans at Andreessen Horowitz’s annual ‘Tech Summit’ conference, talking about the state of tech today and what’s likely to happen in the next decade: mobile, Google / Apple / Facebook / Amazon, innovation, machine learning,… Continue Reading →

APF Tools for Hope ProDev day, London

Tools for Hope was a one-day event organised by the Association of Professional Futurists as part of its regular ProDev (professional development) series. It was a practical hands-on event designed to help people who are interested in using futures work… Continue Reading →

The birth of telecommunications

This short presentation illustrates how trends combine to create watershed moments in time that allow a huge step forward in technological and social progress. Birth of telecommunications

Business Case Private Engineering Company

A case study, published by Human-Insight is based on work by Simplexity This organisation in the engineering industry was facing problems with the execution of its  strategy. Employing thousands of people, management consisted of 11 departments, housing 285 managers/directors. The organisation had a wish to… Continue Reading →

Navigating the future; Scenarios for Europe 2030

In this insightful webinar “Navigating the future Scenarios for Europe 2030” Francesca Lagerberg discusses how Grant Thornton uses horizon and scenario planning to help their clients and themselves plan for uncertainty in Europe leading up to 2030. Francesca Lagerberg is… Continue Reading →

The Future of Work in Health

There is no shortage of material on the potential wonders of new Technology in Health. In this webinar, David Smith of Global Futures and Foresight, and David Lye of SAMI Consulting identify the limits of technology alone, and identify other… Continue Reading →

City Futures in a Time of Turbulence

“Our struggle for global sustainability will be won or lost in the cities” Ban Ki-Moon, 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations

The Importance of Values – Part 4 of 4

The Importance of Values, Part 4 of 4

Rick Price continues with the theme of values In this article Rick discusses Monsters, innocents and measurement.

Short-termism versus responsible capitalism

Radix: Short-termism versus responsible capitalism

Joe Zammit-Lucia is a Radix Co-Founder and Trustee. He is an entrepreneur and commentator on business and political issues writing in outlets in the UK, US, Germany and the Netherlands. He is a Par...

Should the Unilever Model of Capitalism Be Protected?

INSEAD Responsibility Blog - Should the Unilever Model of Capitalism Be Protected?

Reflections on the recent abortive take-over of Unilever by Ron Soonieus, Managing Partner at Camunico, Executive-in-Residence at the INSEAD Social Innovation Centre and Simplexity Associate

Unilever – Kraft Heinz: Did Buffet and 3G misread the Zeitgeist?

Kraft Heinz and Unilever are fundamentally different businesses operating in the same space. The former believes that value creation depends on debt-fuelled take-over, asset stripping and aggressive cost reduction. Long-term value is created by repeating this model over and over… Continue Reading →

Confronting Corporate Risk

Rising to the challenge of global uncertainty What do leaders do when the unthinkable becomes reality?  The recent past has caught many organisations by surprise; the Brexit referendum result in the UK, the election of Donald Trump in the US,… Continue Reading →

Our World 2026

Ever since last June’s vote for the UK to leave the EU and the newly minted US President Trump, we are in a place of great uncertainty. It is clear that no one knows what will happen next and that… Continue Reading →

Case Study: Feasibility study for a fund to support the social and political development of the Caribbean Netherlands

Against a backdrop of significant constitutional changes in the status of the Caribbean Netherlands we led a feasibility study for the creation of an independent development fund to support the integrated and sustainable development of the islands’ economies, focused on:… Continue Reading →

Case Study: Imagine Aruba

Imagine Aruba (Nos Aruba 2025) was a process where 60,000 people (out of a population of just over 100,00) participated in developing a vision of a preferred future and making it happen. Within the framework of an Appreciative Inquiry into… Continue Reading →

Case Study: Developing a 5-year corporate strategy in Bangladesh

Simplexity Associate Patricia Lustig led a strategy development programme for an INGO in Bangladesh to develop its Country Strategy for the next 5 years.  We ensured that the process was participative, including people from across the organisation and their partner NGOs. In… Continue Reading →

The Importance of Values, Part 3 of 4

The Importance of Values, Part 3 of 4

Rick Price continues with the theme of values In this article Rick discusses the topic of defining moments. Again the focus is on organisations and leadership, but the discussion is relevant...

Brexit: If only we’d had a different conversation…

Imagine if our political leaders had had the foresight to go out into diverse communities in advance of the Brexit vote to solicit the views of ordinary people. If they’d listened to rather than talked at the British population. Might… Continue Reading →

The Importance of Values, Part 2 of 4

The Importance of Values, Part 2 of 4

Rick Price continues with the theme of values. What are values? If we can answer that we begin to understand why values can be lost so easily and how we can create and retain values and infl...

What are the implications of The Future of Water for business?

Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink, or should it be “not a drop to fill the coffers of business?” That is the question looming menacingly over the business horizon.

What is a leader to do? Find the right questions.

  If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask for once I know the proper question, I could solve… Continue Reading →

The Importance of Values, Part 1 of 4

The Importance of Values, Part 1 of 4

A word from Human Insight's CEO, Rick Price. Corruption and fraud are prevalent. We badly need to understand values and what this means in an organisational context. In his blog...

Case Study: Leadership and changing the Narrative in Phakhel, Nepal

Simplexity Associate Tricia Lustig was invited (with Nepali colleagues she was training in the process) to a village in the Nepalese countryside (Phakhel) after they had requested some help. We began by asking them to tell us about a time… Continue Reading →

Links to Foresight Research Materials

Here are some links to research materials on foresight you might find useful, with a brief description of what they provide:

Introduction to Strategic Foresight

This video was originally created for the launch of Unlocking Foresight Know How CIC.  It provides an introduction to Strategic Foresight together with a number of brief case studies.

Useful Links for Foresight

Many web sites have foresight content useful to a wider public: some of these are from smaller consultancies, others are corporates who also have foresight activities which they are happy to share. BP Energy Outlook – what it says on… Continue Reading →

Future gazing: the benefits of strategic foresight

Are you sitting comfortably? It’s time to flex your foresight muscles, says Patricia Lustig, author of Strategic Foresight: Learning from the Future

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