In this post Patricia Lustig explores the first of 12 Megatrends (Population) that feature in the forthcoming book Megatrends and How to Survive Them written by Patricia Lustig, Simplexity Associate andf MD of LASA Insight, & Gill Ringland, SAMI Emeritus Fellow and… Continue Reading →
This blog post by Chun-Yin San on the Nesta website refers to our work with Nos Aruba 2025 as an example of where democratic futures exercises have been done well
This presentation is by Benedict Evans at Andreessen Horowitz’s annual ‘Tech Summit’ conference, talking about the state of tech today and what’s likely to happen in the next decade: mobile, Google / Apple / Facebook / Amazon, innovation, machine learning,… Continue Reading →
Tools for Hope was a one-day event organised by the Association of Professional Futurists as part of its regular ProDev (professional development) series. It was a practical hands-on event designed to help people who are interested in using futures work… Continue Reading →
In this insightful webinar “Navigating the future Scenarios for Europe 2030” Francesca Lagerberg discusses how Grant Thornton uses horizon and scenario planning to help their clients and themselves plan for uncertainty in Europe leading up to 2030. Francesca Lagerberg is… Continue Reading →
There is no shortage of material on the potential wonders of new Technology in Health. In this webinar, David Smith of Global Futures and Foresight, and David Lye of SAMI Consulting identify the limits of technology alone, and identify other… Continue Reading →
“Our struggle for global sustainability will be won or lost in the cities” Ban Ki-Moon, 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations
Ever since last June’s vote for the UK to leave the EU and the newly minted US President Trump, we are in a place of great uncertainty. It is clear that no one knows what will happen next and that… Continue Reading →
Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink, or should it be “not a drop to fill the coffers of business?” That is the question looming menacingly over the business horizon.
If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask for once I know the proper question, I could solve… Continue Reading →
Are you sitting comfortably? It’s time to flex your foresight muscles, says Patricia Lustig, author of Strategic Foresight: Learning from the Future
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