
making the complex simple



The Importance of Values – Part 4 of 4

The Importance of Values, Part 4 of 4

Rick Price continues with the theme of values In this article Rick discusses Monsters, innocents and measurement.

Short-termism versus responsible capitalism

Radix: Short-termism versus responsible capitalism

Joe Zammit-Lucia is a Radix Co-Founder and Trustee. He is an entrepreneur and commentator on business and political issues writing in outlets in the UK, US, Germany and the Netherlands. He is a Par...

Should the Unilever Model of Capitalism Be Protected?

INSEAD Responsibility Blog - Should the Unilever Model of Capitalism Be Protected?

Reflections on the recent abortive take-over of Unilever by Ron Soonieus, Managing Partner at Camunico, Executive-in-Residence at the INSEAD Social Innovation Centre and Simplexity Associate

Unilever – Kraft Heinz: Did Buffet and 3G misread the Zeitgeist?

Kraft Heinz and Unilever are fundamentally different businesses operating in the same space. The former believes that value creation depends on debt-fuelled take-over, asset stripping and aggressive cost reduction. Long-term value is created by repeating this model over and over… Continue Reading →

The Importance of Values, Part 3 of 4

The Importance of Values, Part 3 of 4

Rick Price continues with the theme of values In this article Rick discusses the topic of defining moments. Again the focus is on organisations and leadership, but the discussion is relevant...

The Importance of Values, Part 2 of 4

The Importance of Values, Part 2 of 4

Rick Price continues with the theme of values. What are values? If we can answer that we begin to understand why values can be lost so easily and how we can create and retain values and infl...

What is a leader to do? Find the right questions.

  If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask for once I know the proper question, I could solve… Continue Reading →

The Importance of Values, Part 1 of 4

The Importance of Values, Part 1 of 4

A word from Human Insight's CEO, Rick Price. Corruption and fraud are prevalent. We badly need to understand values and what this means in an organisational context. In his blog...

Case Study: Leadership and changing the Narrative in Phakhel, Nepal

Simplexity Associate Tricia Lustig was invited (with Nepali colleagues she was training in the process) to a village in the Nepalese countryside (Phakhel) after they had requested some help. We began by asking them to tell us about a time… Continue Reading →

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