Many web sites have foresight content useful to a wider public: some of these are from smaller consultancies, others are corporates who also have foresight activities which they are happy to share.
- BP Energy Outlook – what it says on the tin – latest outlook and an interesting read for those interested in energy.
- Arup – An Introduction to Corporate Foresight – excellent and concise guide on what it is and how you might use it.
- The Millenium Project – A global foresight network of Nodes, information, and software, a think tank on behalf of humanity, not on behalf of a government, or an issue, or an ideology, but on behalf of building a better future for all of us.
- Forum for the Future, The Futures Centre – site with many articles about signals of change.
- UN Development Program blog – what it says on the tin – blog of the United Nations Development Programme with plenty on sustainability and gender.
- IFTF, Future Now – blog of American think tank and research organisation Institute for the Future. Highly recommended read.
- Arup Foresight Publications – Shared publication page of Arup’s internal think-tank and consultancy which deals with the future of the built environment and society at large.
- World Economic Forum Reports – World Economic Forum reports.
- Shell Oil Scenarios Sets – From this link you can access old and new scenarios from Shell, one of the earliest adapters of scenarios.
- LASA emerging trends database: PearlTrees database around a group of emerging trends that LASA Insight follows. Trends like High Tech, water scarcity, Energy, Big Data, 3D printing, Health and so on.
- Long Finance – Takes the long view – finance over 100 years. Reports, articles, research, events and initiatives.
- Z/Yen – City of London commercial think-tank, founded to promote societal advance through better finance and technology. Articles, reports, papers and books available.
- RAND Corporation Europe – publications on their research and analysis. Good resource site looking at future impacts of change.
- Futuribles International Association – Carries out foresight studies on questions of shared interest and produces publications (mostly in French) on Foresight and horizon scanning.
- Gresham College – the modern Open University from the 16th Century.
- Global Dashboard – directed by two people whose different approach from ours earns our respect.
- Groupe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Éthique Financière de l’Université du Québec à Montréal – University of Quebec’s research group into financial systems governance and ethics.
- Society for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty: Very apposite for the times we live in
Professional Associations and Journals:
- The Association of Professional Futurists (APF) is a global community of professional futurists committed to leadership and excellence in the futures field.
- The World Future Studies Federation (WFSF) is an organisation whose goal is to strengthen the scholarship of futures research.
- The World Future Society is a membership organization for people who research,
envision and create potential futures. - Foresight: the journal of future studies, strategic thinking and policy is a bi-monthly international journal published by Emerald Publishing.