Simplexity health and safety policy

Our objective is to engender a positive health and safety culture throughout the organization.

To achieve this, Simplexity will progressively identify all workplace hazards and take appropriate measures to eliminate or control risks to employees, associates and others affected by our operations by applying positive control standards and provision of information, training and supervision as needed.

Employees and associates are reminded that they have a duty to ensure that Simplexity’s Health and Safety Policy is observed and in particular they are required:-

  1. To take reasonable care for their own health and safety at work and of those who may be affected their actions, or by their omissions;
  2. To co-operate with Simplexity to ensure that any duty, or requirement, for health and safety imposed upon the company by law is performed or complied with;
  3. Not to intentionally, or recklessly, interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare;
  4. To report to supervisory staff hazardous conditions or defects in the company safety arrangements. Where appropriate, the monitoring and review of the Simplexity’s Health and Safety Management Policy will be carried out by the Board of Directors under the direction of the Director responsible for health and safety within the company who will be appointed from time to time by the Board of Directors. If there is any doubt about the terms of this Policy or the application thereof and employee or associate should consult Martin Hazell as Director of Simplexity;
  5. Development of the Health and Safety Management Policy will be conducted through the normal business meetings where health and safety will be given standing equal to other activities of the business;
  6. Simplexity recognizes that it has the ultimate legal responsibility for health and safety. Accordingly the Board of Directors is accountable for Health & Safety and accepts overall accountability for policy formulation and implementation. In turn, all employees and associates are responsible for carrying out those health and safety duties placed on them. The Board of Directors will ensure that the safety plan includes sufficient resources for the successful implementation of the Health and Safety Management Policy.

With effect from 02 August 2009, the Director responsible for Health & Safety is Martin Hazell.

Updated 3 September 2015