Simplexity quality management policy

Simplexity is committed to maintaining appropriate quality management systems and processes to enable the delivery of the highest practicable quality products and services. The overall quality objective is to ensure that Simplexity delivers a consistently high level of service to all our clients.

This Quality Management Policy is applicable to all activities undertaken by Simplexity, and is issued under the authority of the Board of Directors.

Objective and commitment

The overall quality objective is to ensure that Simplexity delivers a consistently high level of service throughout to all our clients. Therefore we seek to:

  1. Clearly understand the current and potential future requirements and expectations of our customers;
  2. Work closely with our customers, suppliers and partners to achieve business and quality objectives;
  3. Deliver products and services of the highest practicable quality, reliability and consistency that meet our customers’ requirements;
  4. Implement quality management in a systematic and planned way through the application of management systems that support the delivery of the business plan;
  5. Educate and train our people to support the delivery of high quality work;
  6. Establish and measure performance and customer satisfaction against appropriate quality objectives and/or targets;
  7. Measure at an appropriate level service performance and customer satisfaction;
  8. Continually review and improve our processes and levels of service.

We all share the responsibility for the delivery of high quality products and services and for continual improvement. Long term relationships require on-going commitment to achieving business excellence.


As a company, we pride ourselves on the delivery to our customers of products and services that are of a high quality. The maintenance of a quality management system enables the company to analyse customer requirements, define processes that will contribute to the achievement of a product or service that is acceptable to the customer and it keep those processes under control.

Our quality management system provides the framework for continual improvement and thus increases the probability of enhancing customer satisfaction and the satisfaction of other interested parties. It effectively provides the company and its customers with the confidence that the provision of service and products will be delivered consistently to predetermined high standards.

Quality management systems assist organisations in enhancing customer satisfaction and contribute directly to company growth.

Partner in Quality

All Simplexity client service engagements are overseen by a Partner in Quality. The Partner in Quality will be separate to and independent of the Engagement Delivery Partner or Manager, and will:

  1. Work with the delivery team to ensure that the principles and practices of the Simplexity Quality Management System are followed;
  2. Meet periodically with the Senior Client Representative to review Simplexity’s performance, and ensure that the client is able to raise any issues and have them promptly and effectively resolved;
  3. Ensure that the delivery team (and the client where appropriate) undertake an effective post-project review and that the results of that review are incorporated into Simplexity’s continuous learning.

If there is any doubt about the terms of this Policy or the application thereof an employee, partner or associate should consult Martin Hazell as Director of Simplexity.

Updated 28 October 2015