Simplexity business continuity statement

Our business is primarily dependent on the knowledge and skills of people; we aim to share these through regular learning and sharing, focussing on empirical findings (what we find) above theoretical discussion. In this way we reduce our business risk exposure from the loss of key people.

All shared knowledge is maintained on secure managed servers with full disaster recovery as part of the Offiice365 service from Microsoft (SharePoint and OneDrive for Business).

Individual laptop computers are backed up automatically when connected to office base-stations  to local disks or managed servers (eg OneDrive for Business) as appropriate.

All email servers are Office365 cloud based and   maintain copies at all times allowing for access via multiple client platforms, ensuring critical communication is not lost in the event of email client (computer) failure.

Laptop computers are covered by next-day on-site warranties where appropriate.

The impact on our business and our ability to protect our clients from premises-based risks and hazards (flood, fire. loss of electricity etc) are minimised as the nature of our work is that most of it is conducted at client sites. For work not at client sites, we are able to work from any location.

We seek to minimise the impact of other risks and hazards (transport disruption, flu pandemic etc) by our ability to work from any location and by having as many consultants as possible able to deliver as many of our services as possible.

Where there are specific business continuity risks to a particular client or project, we discuss these with the client, and agree joint risk and impact reduction actions.

Updated 3 September 2015